
To the Loyal Customers of Kimmel Scrap,

Last month I wrote about the section 232 duties being placed on some imported steel and aluminum products. An interesting article in The American Metal Market raises some compelling issues that we need to consider. There are manufacturers who use steel and aluminum from foreign suppliers which are not available from domestic suppliers. Mentioned in the article is Seneca Foods from Janesville Wisconsin which is the largest vegetable canner in the United States. The electrolytic coated tinplate food grade quality is not available locally and the contract from China lasts till 2019. Steelcase a U.S. furniture manufacturer is unable to procure locally manufactured steel products to their specifications and local mills have no interest in producing this product as well. Both companies mentioned are an example of issues some manufacturers face in the coming months.

If you have any questions or concerns regarding any aspect of what we do here, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Many of you have tried our new dispatch system which works well with portable smart phones or office computers. We would appreciate any comments you might have or any suggestions to improve this service. You are always welcome to continue and call our office at 313-934-1100, fax 313-934-2141 or use dispatch@kimmelscrap.com.

Thank you,

Robert Kimmel

Office 313-934-1100
Robert Kimmel-100
Ken Schutt-102
T.J. Yarema 103
Al Brown-105
Nicole Lamar-107
Holly Sievert-115