April 10, 2016
To the Loyal Customers of Kimmel Scrap,
It is always a pleasure to write a brief note to you our customers about changes in the scrap metal markets. Beginning with your April check (next month) you will see a nice surprise.
Actually scrap steel prices have rebounded. We have seen the much anticipated increase in demand from importing nations such as Turkey and China. We have seen the increased order books for domestic steel makers and lastly an increase in demand from foundries as well. How long will this last? I wish I knew. It appears to have some strength and legs for at least the short term.
In regards to the Nickel based alloys such as Stainless Steel and Hi-Temperature Alloys, this market continues to struggle. There is still an overabundance of Nickel and Chrome based products on the market. All experts I have talked with continue to view 2016 as a washout. We do not expect any strong turn around anytime soon.
Aluminum scrap prices continue to be extremely steady with very little movement either higher or lower. We appear to be in equilibrium for both supply and demand.
Many of you have tried our new web based dispatch system which works well with portable smart phones or office computers at kimmelscrap.net. We would appreciate any comments you might have or any suggestions to improve this service. You are always welcome to continue and call our office at 313-934-1100, fax 313-934-2141 or use dispatch@kimmelscrap.net.
If you have any questions regarding service, materials or pricing please contact either myself, TJ or Ken at our office.
Thank you,
Robert Kimmel
Office 313-934-1100
Robert Kimmel-100
Ken Schutt-102
T.J. Yarema 103
Al Brown-105
Nicole Lamar-107
Carol Caie-115