August 15, 2017
To The Loyal Customers of Kimmel Scrap Iron & Metal
Many of you know how historically political events affect commodity prices. In years past when threats of war and terrorism appear both gold and fuel prices would rise. These last few months have seen increased tension between the United States and North Korea. Our fuel prices have been relatively steady, gold prices have also not seen incredible swings as well. As we increase globalization and world trade these swings seem to have been minimized. We are more self-sufficient, we have other methods to mitigate risk and foreign trade has made a difference in our balance of risk.
What does the above paragraph have to do with you? We have seen a slow and steady increase in some commodity prices. There has not been a wholesale jump from fear. We usually believe the slow growth in both demand and prices have a much longer lived lifecycle.
If there is anything that you feel we can do better please do not hesitate to contact either myself, Ken Schutt or TJ Yarema.
Many of you have tried our new dispatch system which works well with portable smart phones or office computers. We would appreciate any comments you might have or any suggestions to improve this service. You are always welcome to continue and call our office at 313-934-1100, fax 313-934-2141 or use
My best wishes for an enjoyable month and safe Labor Day Holiday.
Office 313-934-1100
Robert Kimmel-100
Ken Schutt-102
T.J. Yarema 103
Al Brown-105
Nicole Lamar-107
Holly Sievert-115