To our Valued Friends and Loyal Customers of Kimmel Scrap,
Kimmel Scrap would like to wish our customers and friends Happy Holidays and a Merry Christmas.
Here we are and we made through another year. The difficulties of 2020 carried over into 2021 and in some cases became even more difficult. We have all shared in these difficulties whether it is being under staffed, supply chain issues with getting parts for equipment & trucks or being over worked. It has been anything but easy or close to normal but this is when the true character of people shine through.
This is why I am so proud of the team we have at Kimmel. The dedication, commitment and support for each other is what makes us a family away from our family. We have persevered, come together and we will continue get through these difficult times. This is why I ask that when you call and talk to Nicole or Holly or see one of our drivers Mike, Frank, Rob, Ed or Martin to say thank you. These are the voices and faces most of you interact with on a daily basis and without people like them our success would not be possible. The small signs of appreciations make larger impacts than most of us realize and make getting through a difficult time a little easier. We are all in this together.
From the Kimmel family to yours please enjoy your holiday and thank you for being our customer.
Robert Kimmel-100
Ken Schutt-102
T.J. Yarema 103
Nicole Lamar-107
Sam Peters-109
Holly Sievert-115