To our loyal customers of Kimmel Scrap:
As we ease our way back to some semblance of normalcy, we all seem to face the issues of labor, parts and raw material shortages. I have talked with many of you regarding longer wait times for service due to lack of truck parts and shortage of qualified truck drivers. Now with the trucking boycott from Canada we are all suffering from lack of products and vehicles to transport our finished goods to market. Our team here is working very diligently to provide fast and proper service to you, our customers. We are actively trying to hire safe and experienced personnel to fill our needs.
On another topic, prices for scrap metals have experienced some significant price movements. We have seen large price movements both higher and lower in very quick monthly, and in some cases daily basis. Some factors affecting some commodities are the activities between Russia and Ukraine, and Olympics in China. Why? Most people seem to believe the conflict between Russia and the Ukraine will have issues with both Nickel and Lithium major components for EV batteries. The Olympics have forced China to limit their Steel and Nickel production in order to present to the world a clean and beautiful view of their country.
Thank You,
Robert B. Kimmel
Robert Kimmel-100
Ken Schutt-102
T.J. Yarema 103
Nicole Lamar-107
Sam Peters-109
Holly Sievert-115