To the Loyal Customers of Kimmel Scrap,
Just think of the stories we will be able to tell our Grandchildren about 2020. I don’t think any of us could have predicted the fallout to our infrastructure from Covid-19. We at Kimmel try to be prepared for emergencies, but this is beyond our imagination, unless of course you are a science fiction writer.
A few good words to write in an extremely gloomy economy:
1: We expect production to slowly return to Michigan toward the end of May.
2: We understand that China will remove the classification of scrap as waste mid-year.
3: It appears that Michigan has begun the slow decline in new Covid-19 cases.
4: There are many drug manufacturers working on drugs to fight the virus with some appearing to be promising.
5: Scrap markets seem to be settled and reversed the downward trend over the last few months.
6. Hopefully our families, employees, customers and friends are all safe.
Many of you have tried our new dispatch system which works well with portable smart phones or office computers. We would appreciate any comments you might have or any suggestions to improve this service. You are always welcome to continue and call our office at 313-934-1100, fax 313-934-2141 or use dispatch@kimmelscrap.com.
Wishing everyone a very healthy and safe months ahead.
Thank you,
Robert Kimmel
Robert Kimmel-100
Ken Schutt-102
T.J. Yarema 103
Nicole Lamar-107
Sam Peters-109
Holly Sievert-115