To the Loyal Customers of Kimmel Scrap,
As we are now in the middle of September, I know we all ask, where did the summer go? These last 7 months have been an extreme challenge, not only our businesses but family life even more so. Most of us remember where we were on 9-11. That day and aftermath will be with us the rest of our lives. Just like that day we are working our way through Corona Virus with hopes for the future. Hopefully when we look back at this year and are able to claim with pride, we made it.
September seems to be a month with optimism within the commodity markets. Steel prices have stopped the 5 months of steady decline. Stainless and some alloy prices have edged upwards. Copper has seen recent strengths and some brasses have followed suit.
It is almost impossible to predict the future let alone 3 months from now. I think we need to enjoy the moment and keep hoping for sustained prosperity and good health for us all.
At Kimmel we continue to manage our equipment through regular scheduled preventative maintenance but also upgrade our equipment even during hard times to keep our fleet and yard equipment efficient.
As always should you have any questions about what we do please give us a call.
Wishing you all an enjoyable fall season.
Robert Kimmel
Robert Kimmel-100
Ken Schutt-102
T.J. Yarema 103
Nicole Lamar-107
Sam Peters-109
Holly Sievert-115